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Category Archives: Jerold’s Blog

No Such Thing As Perfect

No matter how hard you work, nothing will be perfect. If something could be perfect then there would be no reason for anyone else to try, but fortunately, nothing can be perfect. We are constantly under construction and can always make improvements. When you start to believe that you have achieved “perfect”, that is when…MORE

Show Don’t Tell

If you continually talk about things you’re going to do but haven’t yet, what does that do? Nothing. Nothing happens when you just talk about doing something. You do not accomplish anything by talking. All you do when you share your plans is give others the idea that you have a vision but nothing more.…MORE

Be the First to Change

Be the First to Change

We all want some type of change, whether it be a change in our world or our own life. For there to be change, you have to act. You can not expect things to be different if you are not taking any action. Get up every day with a mission, a purpose, live every day…MORE

Do Not Judge

Do Not Judge

Imagine all the times you have judged someone, now think about how you would feel if someone talked about you like that. It does not feel good when people judge you, it also wastes time. Why criticize how someone else lives their life when you could instead focus on yourself? You could save so much…MORE

It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts

If you are ugly on the outside but pretty on the inside then you are beautiful but if you are ugly on the inside but pretty on the outside that does not make you beautiful. Just because people find you attractive does not mean you are a beautiful human, it means you look good. Not…MORE

Never React to Negativity

Negativity can creep into your life then ruin you before you even knew that it was there. Even if you yourself don’t spread negativity, others do. Next time you hear someone be negative, don’t react. Never react to negativity. When you react you start to think negatively, allowing it to take control of your life. …MORE

Protect Your Environment

You wouldn’t allow someone to come over a throw garbage all over you, so why would you let someone talk trash about your career/job. Always protect your environment, if you start having doubts about what you are doing then it will greatly affect your growth. You cannot grow and reach your potential when there is…MORE

See It In Your Mind Before It Happens

See It In Your Mind Before It Happens

Accomplishments don’t just appear out of thin air, you have to work for them. Make goals and once they are made, visualize them. When you see it in your mind before it happens it drives you more. Having an image instilled of what you want for yourself helps you prioritize, figure out what is important.…MORE

Your Positivity is Your Hater’s Kryptonite

Your Positivity is Your Hater’s Kryptonite

Do not let anyone’s negativity get to you because that is when you lose. If you let your haters put you down that just gives them more time and power to rise above you, they love to see you fail. When you rise above and show that nothing can get you down your haters feel…MORE

Don’t Go On Your Journey Alone

Don’t Go On Your Journey Alone

It is always better to have someone on your side. You may be the most independent person in the world but you could be more successful with someone to back you up. Surround yourself with like minded people, people who will be able to see your vision and help you grow.  You never want to…MORE


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